Monday, 22 October 2012

Science Box!

Ok, so here goes.  My eldest is six.  I was thinking of buying her a science kit for Christmas, but then thought I should have a go at putting one together myself.  That way, if any of the 'experiments' are a bit rubbish I can exclude them from the final gift.  My focus is for fun - she is only young.  If she wants to find out about more about the science behind the fun that is great, we can do that together, but I am not going to bombard her with it.

So with the help of the internet and sites such as Pinterest, I have made a short list of experiments to trial.  I will go through them each individually so you can see how I get on.  I will also link to the original source as don't want to steal anyone's thunder.

Here is my shopping list of things I need to buy or acquire.  Go on, join me - this could be fun.  But I take absolutely no responsibility for your actions or singed eyebrows!  

What I need:
(Most of the blogs I found were from America so I don't even know what some of these things are yet!)

lemon juice
baking soda (bicarb?)
plastic bottle x 2
balloon x 2
push up cap from drinks bottle
egg x 2
jam jar
washing up liquid
elmers white glue (??)
food colouring 
borax powder (??)
corn starch
sandwich bag
square toilet paper
packet of skittles
6% hydrogen peroxide

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Hello blog

Ok, so after a previous blogging false start, I promise that I am going to try to keep it up this time.  I am not a big writer, and don't really like the sound of my own voice so my entries are likely to be short!

I am blogging to support my start-up enterprise of selling stuff that I have printed.  I sell through

My seller's page is here:

I don't want this blog to be all about what I make and sell, although I guess this is my chance to showcase it. 

I am a mum, and have made a commitment (albeit only to myself) to make at least one present for each of my children at Christmas this year.  So  keep your eyes peeled and you might witness my successes and failures over the coming weeks!

I tweet on behalf of so find me @justnicestuff.