Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Quiet Book

My youngest is 18 months old this Christmas.  The transformation from adorable baby to total monkey is complete!

I wanted to make her a gift, so she receives something that she hasn't inherited and something she would actually play with.  I have planned to make a Quiet Book in the past but haven't found the time -or the good ideas - to do so.  With the help of Pinterest (as usual) I have come across some great ideas.  Sorry I don't have links to the ideas I found. Some of them I have just made up myself.

In my mind, a Quiet Book is something that I can fling in my bag and have to hand to keep her entertained and possibly, but not probably, quiet!

I wanted the Quiet Book to be quite quiet - so no velcro - and also no bits to get lost.  Many of the lovely ideas on Pinterest seemed to have lots of pieces, but I can't be doing with that as they would be behind the sofa / left in the car before I knew it!

I also wanted to be able to throw it in the washing machine and am not worried about the scruffy, unfinished edges.  The simplicity appeals to me (and as I am not great on my sewing machine that is a bonus!).  Also I want to be able to separate the 'pages' or have it as a book so there are loops on the side to attach to a ring.

Most of the fabric I used is 'upcycled' denim from old jeans.  I had to buy a few of the bits to add on, but really didn't spend much on this at all.  Each page has two extra pieces of material in the middle just to make it feel thick and soft.

The front cover.  This page has her name on one side and this pretty fabric on the reverse.  I also added loops of ribbon to turn it into a 'taggy'.

Number beads.  A simple string of coloured beads to count next to the corresponding number.

Marble maze.  This is a great idea (alas, not mine).  There is a marble inside the fabric.  The idea is to squeeze the marble along the path to the other end.

Glove.  A simple glove to pop a little hand in and out of.

Ladybird zip.  A sweet way of adding a zip to fiddle with.

Shape matching.  Using poppers to match the shapes and colours.  Top shapes are attached with ribbon so they don't get lost.

Sewing.  I wanted to make holes in the fabric to thread in and out of, but I failed to achieve what I wanted.  So I simply attached little plastic rings on the top and a shoelace is also attached to be passed though the rings.

Buckle and Button. I think the buckle might be a bit tricky as it is quite soft.  The button is nice and big and the pocket will flap down when open which is quite fun.

Clip and Slider.  I like this one.  The slider is like one you use on elastic show laces.  The idea is to squeeze the clip and it will slide up and down the ribbon.  The buckle simply snaps into place. I am a bit worried about her catching her little fingers in this one, so I will keep an eye on she how she manages.

I am hoping she enjoys this gift as much as I have enjoyed making it for her.

It will be taken out in my bag ready to use for entertainment emergencies, along with her little travel chalkboard which we do sell at MOMD -

Go on, give it a whirl.  It is cheap and easy and can be quite personal too.  But, obviously, please be careful about what you give your baby to play with!