Monday, 19 November 2012

Science Box - The Naked Egg

Here is the link to the original experiment I found online:

What you need:
An egg - just a normal raw egg
A cup/bowl/jug
Golden syrup

Step 1

Pop the egg into a cup or similar.   Preferably one that you can see through.  Then cover the egg with vinegar.  Set to one side.

Step 2

After a few hours you ill see a sort of fizzy/scummy layer floating at the top.  However, leave the egg along for approx 24 hours.

Step 3

After leaving it for a day or so.  Tip the egg carefully into your hand over the sink. You may choose to replace the vinegar and leave it for another day.

Step 4

Pour the egg gently into your hand again.  You will notice that the shell has been broken down by the vinegar and the egg feel like a bouncy ball.  You will also be able to see the yolk floating around inside.  Be careful whilst you play with it.....Or see how many times you can bounce it before making a mess!

Step 5

If you put the egg back into the cup and fill it with water, you will see that the egg absorbs some of the water and gets even bigger.

Step 6

Drain the water, and this time cover the egg with golden syrup.  After a few hours you will see that the water has started moving back through the membrane.  If you tilt the cup, you can pour the water at the top away so the egg is still surrounded by the syrup.  Leave it for another day and drain the egg, you will see that it is all saggy! It is much easier to see the yolk now too.

Step 7

Now if you put the saggy egg back into water, it will return to its bouncy state again.

Step 8

You could repeat the above steps as many times as you want, but eventually the temptation to break the egg is too much!  I squeezed the egg over a bowl until it popped!

I really enjoyed this one!  I found it fascinating.  I just wonder how long the egg will last in the hands of my six year old. 

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